Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Apple Mail 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 filtered messages.

I have seen this multiple times on my Mac. Click the filter off and the number goes back to normal.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Fortinet "diag vpn tunnel reset" command. Yikes!

While working on a Fortigate that is the central hub for a vpn network, I typed "diag vpn tunnel reset". I intended to type "diag vpn tunnel reset tunnel-name". Most of the vpns dropped and would not come back online. The equipment had to be rebooted at all the remote sites to bring up the vpn tunnels.

Dont do this!!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to get a list of ActiveSync users and devices from command line.


$mbx | foreach {$name = $; $alias = $_.alias; $device = get-activesyncdevicestatistics -mailbox $_.identity; $device | foreach {write-output "$alias;$name;$($_.devicefriendlyname);$($_.deviceid);$($_.LastSuccessSync)"} } >list.txt

This is the output. One line for each mobile device.

smithb;Smith, Bob;iPad Air;Appl345SDFGDFG;06/06/2017 16:05:01
smithb;Smith, bob;iPhone 7;SDFGD987938798;06/05/2017 16:06:00

Friday, June 2, 2017

How to get list of ActiveSync users from the Exchange command line.

This will provide a simple list like below.

Get-ActiveSyncDevice | select UserDisplayName, devicetype, Bob       iPhone, John     Android, Kelly     SAMSUNGMG955U