Friday, May 22, 2009

Free AIS message decoder.

This will decode AIVDM and AIVDO messages from the command line. I was inspired by the Joe Petrix decoder in Basic and tried to do the same thing in c++.

Source code
Sample program output:
Enter AIS string. (Example !AIVDM,1,1,,A,1000vV@P00Idw98ATMk00?wj0<0n div="div" f="f">
AIS string: !AIVDM,1,1,,A,15LWgHpP00qdupBATUBbk?v00H0p,0*2E
ais_string= !AIVDM,1,1,,A,15LWgHpP00qdupBATUBbk?v00H0p,0*2E

message type = 1
repeat indicator = 0
MMSI = 365555555
navagation status = 8
rate of turn = 128
speed over ground = 0
position accuracy = 1
longitude = -88.043930
latitude = 30.708603
course over ground = 2764
true heading = 511
Update: 2012
I just added an OSX binary.