Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to count active users on a Citrix farm and display on a web page.

Get grep.exe and wc.exe for windows at Create two batch files as below and setup a scheduled task for count.bat.

quser /server:citrixa
quser /server:citrixb
quser /server:citrixc
(add more servers)
list.bat | grep Active | wc -l > temp
copy a+temp+b /b count.html
copy count.html /b c:\inetpub\www

The files a and b are just some simple html. I now have a simple banner like below that is updated every five minutes.

Citrix Active 34

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aiming a satellite dish with Google Earth.

Lookup the azimuth for your zip code. Use the ruler tool in Google Earth to draw a line in the direction needed. Find an object on the line to use for aiming. I used the corner of a building.

I found a small piece of pipe and placed it on the mounting bracket. Then I looked through the pipe to view the corner of the building. I have 90% signal and it works great.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

USB to serial adapter with OSX

I have a hawking USB to Serial converter I need to use with my MacBook. There is always a console port calling my name.

First I installed the Prolific driver from this page, Prolific. Now I just open terminal and type the command below.

screen /dev/tty.usbserial

I had to search for the command to close screen when I was done.

Ctrl-a k

Friday, October 2, 2009