Monday, April 29, 2013

One domain, port 80 on one server, port 443 on a second server.

First of all, this will be a temporary setup. I need http on server1 and https on server2. The AnaolgX PortMapper did the trick. I installed it on server1 and mapped 443 to server2. The new server is a Citrix gateway and the other solutions I tried resulted in SSL errors. The proxy works so far with no issues.

http://server1 -> old server
https://server1 -> new server

Server1 will be the proxy so it should have plenty of resources to handle the load.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Your browser is too old to view our site. User agent problem?

Lately I have noticed more web sites that will block you if your browser is too old. Why not just give a warning and recommend a new browser. I had one PC with this problem and Internet Explorer 8. So I went to a few test pages like and they show I am using IE6 compatibility mode. Compatibility mode is NOT on. If you have this problem, go to the registry and delete Pre and Post tokens. All the blocked sites work now.

               Internet Settings
                  User Agent
                     Pre Platform
                        Token = Value
                     Post Platform
                        Token = Value

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stuck screensaver on OSX.

I lock the screen and step away. When I return the screensaver will not stop. This has happened a couple of times on the Mac Mini running Lion. Sometimes it is just slow to respond but this time I waited about ten minutes.

I did an SSH from another computer and killed the screensaver process. This worked but is very annoying. You must have the SSH enabled ahead of time.

ps ax | grep -i screensaver 
83230   ??  U      3:09.28 /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ 
sudo kill  83230